Sunday, June 15, 2014

Getting ready...

Well, work is done! And, vacation has started, so the countdown really is on, and the packing has started.  It's only a matter of a couple days now, before we're heading to New York, and less than a week before we fly to Lima.

So, what's on our Lima agenda?

One thing that's obviously on the to-do list is restaurants.

Another one I wanted to hit last year, but did not manage to, is Amaz, the latest restaurant by Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, the originator and chef of Malabar.

One that my cousins recommended last year but that we did not go to is La Picanteria.  It specializes in southern Peruvian cuisine.  Carla, my cousin Jose's wife, told me that they served the best chupe de camarones that she'd ever had, and as she's from Arequipa and it is a specialty there, that's high praise indeed.

 I also want to check the Barranco Beer Company, and to search out several other beers that are pioneers in Lima's nascent craft beer scene: Cumbres, Maddok, and Barbarian, as well as Amarilis, which I sampled last year.

We don't have any trips planned within Peru, but I may head up to Ayacucho for a colloquium that is to be held there in July.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything pressing on us as a must-do other than enjoy the family's company and have a good time together.

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