Sunday, July 21, 2013

El Bolivariano

On Friday Willy took me to lunch at one of Pueblo Libre district's old-school haunts, the El Bolivariano restaurant.  El Bolivariano ranks as another of Lima's "classic" eateries and is many people's favourite place for classic criollo cuisine - which makes it all the more surprising that I had never been there despite hearing and reading about the place for so long!

The ambiance, is of course, old-school limeño, the place being located in an old house, and filled with antiques and old photographs. 

The service was curteous, attentive, friendly, and very smooth.   That comes, of course, from it being provided by older, professional wait staff, and not just a bunch of kids trying to get by or doing it only because it's the family's place.

The food, was very good.  I would say that one would be hard pressed to find a place with better or as good versions of them, but that would only be true anywhere but in this city.  In any case, these were comfort food done right -the tomatoes in my fish dish were peeled and seeded!- and who can ask for more from an old-school restaurant?

I'm very glad I finally went there.

Papa a la huancaína: potatoes in spicy cheese sauce

Patita con maní: pig's trotter in peanut sauce

Chorrillos-style fish: fried fish smothered in onions, tomatoes, and chiles

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