Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's my first full day in Lima, and I've had the nice surprise that, despite warnings of cold weather, which had been so terribly affecting the country -specially in the south- , the sun is shining and it looks like everyone who can be is out enjoying it.

It feels like early spring, instead of the start of winter.

One unpleasant development is that the Jesus Maria municipal government has started work on the Agora, a plaza in the earliest part of San Felipe.

Granted, the Agora wasn't exactly a gem and in needed some cosmetic work, but the mayor of Jesus Maria has advanced with the project first without properly consulting the residents (some alleged that there was even subterfuge) and then against their expressed opposition, and that of the original architect as well as that of the National College of Architects.

Moreover, the proposed design of the remodel itself has some odd aspects to it. To begin with it would put in a floor of different materials ranging from cement, to brick, to artificial turf, in a target-like concentric design. And that, around a 4 m reflecting pool, which has led more than one to wonder if, and how, this pool would be maintained any better or cleaner in the future than so many of the city's other neglected water features.

I guess we'll have to see, as the proyect will go forward because "it has already been started."

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