Tuesday, September 11, 2007


This is a picture of Nico and Susana in the Lima airport minutes before boarding the plane for home on August 10th. I had just returned from a (thankfully successful) search for one last pisco sour on Peruvian soil, when I saw the kids and felt we needed an "exit" image from the trip, just like we had one of them on the way down.

The lobby at the gate was full of young gringo evangelicals heading back to the States. Not very Peruvian-looking. So I got the kids to stand in the walkway while I snapped a few shots. This one was the best.

Well, since this particular trip is now long over (frown!), there will be few updates to this blog in the near future until I receive some of the photos or video that my cousins or Sara or my parents took of the trip, or I get the energy to dig up and scan photos of previous visits.

Thank you for reading this far and for sharing in this trip with us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've only left Peru via that airport once in my life and I definitely wasn't in smiling mood. I hope I never have to leave again, except on vacation of course.

There wasn't a single sentence in your blog that wasn't well written, informative or entertaining. Thank you for sharing your trip.