Tapirs (Tapirus terrestris)
in Lima Zoo
In Peru these animals are usually called sachavacas.
Sacha = 'forest' in Quechua, vaca = 'cow' in Spanish.
in Lima Zoo
In Peru these animals are usually called sachavacas.
Sacha = 'forest' in Quechua, vaca = 'cow' in Spanish.
Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)
Lima zoo
We were fortunate enough to see some of these rare animals in the wild in
the puna above Tarma
Lima zoo
We were fortunate enough to see some of these rare animals in the wild in
the puna above Tarma
Borracho (Scartichthys gigas)
San Bartolo
The flesh of this species is edible but the head must be discarded as it
contains toxins which will cause diners to behave as if drugged or drunk,
hence the common name of the fish, which means "drunk."
San Bartolo
The flesh of this species is edible but the head must be discarded as it
contains toxins which will cause diners to behave as if drugged or drunk,
hence the common name of the fish, which means "drunk."
San Ramon, Chanchamayo
amazing pics!
you are very talented...
accommodation cusco
Lima zoo is truly an amzing place.
Cusco Hostels
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