Thursday, July 12, 2007


I had intended to edit and paste together some of the video I took, but the format generated by the camera is not supported by either of the video editing programs I have available. So, instead, I'm just sharing some of the best of the raw footage.

This first one is inside Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, just as we are entering the immigration and customs section. The personnel got agitated because, it seems, videotaping and photography are forbidden in that part of the airport. However, as I quickly shut off the camera and put it away, they didn´t give me a hard time.

Avenida de la Marina. This is a main north-south artery in the more coastal part of town, and is amost a direct shot from the airport to San Felipe. When I was a kid, all that you see was mostly empty sandlots with a few housing developments and large stores. Long ago it was where the Maranga people, a pre-Inca culture, had their civilization. Today, it is a busy commercial hub, lined with stores, big and small, restaurants, nightclubs, bingo parlors, and casinos. It sounds and looks bad in the day, but it is a great place to get a pitcher of beer and a bite to eat at 3 in the morning.

Past Av. Gregorio Escobedo the Ave. La Marina becomes Avenida Pershing. By then, the stretch is more residential, older, and nicer. Here we are approaching San Felipe, the tall buildings that appear from the left side of the screen, after we make the U-turn. It has been unusually cold and wet here, with actual rain in Lima, but most of the water on the street is from an overflowing water line.

We have just parked and are unloading the luggage. Our apartment is in the tall residential tower. That's Toño running back to help get the suitcases out of the van.

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